Blog post: Assessing current platforms’ attempts to curb misinformation

Fcebook and Instagram are the platforms that I am looking at for thisblogpost assignment this week. META, which owns Facebook AND Instagram hascarried out numerous projects to fight incorrect information throughout itssocial media platforms. I first looked at their fact-checking policy page on their website which istitled: “Fact-checking policies on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads”. As […]

Blog post: Website or claim analysis

For this assignment, I chose to look at a claim I saw on Twitter on far-right blogger Chaya Raichik’s feed, as well as on multiple other pages on Twitter, as it was being shared virally. The claim is that a 70-year-old grandmother from Colorado is currently on trial and has now been convicted for praying […]

Blog post: Evaluating misinformation education tools

For this weeks assignement I spent some time with the website RumorGuard from News Literacy Project. I found the website to be VERY well put together, clean, and extremely user friendly. The front page shows some of the latest checks of mis and disinformation and the rating or score it’s received. I liked that when […]

Justin’s Media Use Diary for 3/21/2024

7:30 a.m.: I woke up this AM and first checked my notifications on my iPhone. I have morning news pushed from the WaPo, NYT, WSJ, AZ Central and LA Times. Often times, the news organizations will all send the top headlines of the morning and many can be redundent as they’re dispatching storeis from the AP, […]

A Multi-Sector Approach to Ensuring Free Expression in the Digital Age – Module 7

Preserving free expression in the modern era of digitalization necessitates a collaborative endeavor across several distinct sectors, each having unique merits and drawbacks. Here is an examination of four crucial sectors: private entities in internet services, governmental regulation and policymaking, civil society initiatives along with third-party research organizations, and media outlets, including news industries. Social […]

Module 5: Blog Post No. 4

Freedom of expression has undergone fundamental changes with the advent of the internet, bringing along unparalleled prospects as well as intricate hurdles. Let’s explore how this technology has influenced freedom of expression: Thanks to the internet, individuals can now reach a GLOBAL audience instantly with their self-expression. Social media platforms, blogs and online forums offer […]

Blog Post No. 3: Question

The issue of increasing state-level legislation in the United States, with the intention of restricting certain aspects concerning freedom of expression, is definitely a complicated and intricate matter. On one hand, it illustrates the varied viewpoints and principles we hold dear within a democratic community as lawmakers endeavor to confront perceived obstacles or worries. On […]

Protecting the First Amendment as a Shield for Reporters and News Outlets:

In a democratic society, the First Amendment acts as an essential safeguard for journalists and news organizations. It enables them to collect and circulate information freely, which is vital in promoting awareness among its citizens. The protection provided by this amendment covers various journalistic activities that enable reporters to act as mediators of public discourse […]

Module #1 Question

In my opinion, the societal value of a concept like free expression is nuanced and multifaceted, holding both public and personal significance alike. Publicly speaking, free expression is a fundamental value to democratic societies as it allows for the open exchange of ideas, opinions, and information. It’s instrumental in promoting dialog and critical thinking, thus […]
